Loves, do you struggle with pain and/or a lack of love for the body you are living in? I have been studying the powerful and positive effects of self-love & self-acceptance for the past several years. One practice that has been so helpful to me is spending some time each day sending Love and Affirmations to my self, and the revealing & healing that takes place has been truly remarkable. Here is a gentle meditation for/prayer to my body that I would like to share with you: “Dear Body, Thank You for carrying me through this Life. Forgive me for…
Want a peek behind the veil? Today I had a moment of truth and clarity that froze me in my tracks. My cousin Nicole and I were in the midst of recording an episode for our podcast, and something we were talking about triggered a powerful message. I went blank as the divine download was coming in, and couldn’t speak in the moment. I held on, breathed through it, and waited until I could continue our conversation. It was deep, y’all! I knew I would need some time to process what was happening inside me, and gave myself the immediate…
The Long Winter’s Night, Winter Solstice (northern hemisphere) gifts us with the shortest amount of daylight. In this typically hectic time of year, it’s an invitation to choose to set down your stress and burdens in exchange for a little more peace, a little more quiet, a little more rest. Instead of trying to cram in MORE more more in less time, Why not shut it down a little early tonight and gift yourself with a hard reset? Enjoy a little longer glimpse of the star-filled night sky, the twinkling lights of the holidays, or even a little extra pillow…
Loves, I hope you will be blessed by my Mini Meditation for you! You can take this mindful break just about anywhere when you need to relieve some stressful emotions and find peace. Note: This first appeared back in July, but I think it can be a blessing to you again today. 💖🦋 Pause. Deep breath, slowly release. Assign a color, shape, or name to the feeling of anxiety that is stressing you out. Deep breath, slowly release. Do not judge this feeling, simply see it. Deep breath, slowly release. Visualize your anxious feeling next to a door. What does…
Spread the Positivity with The Blessings Butterfly Companion Guide
Today, millions of Americans are gathering with loved ones to celebrate and count their blessings for our annual Thanksgiving holiday. For many, this time of year is precious; for many others, it’s extremely difficult and can be triggering of painful traumatic memories, or an amplified time of loss as we miss loved ones who have passed on. If you are one of those who struggles, be gentle with yourself today. If you are lucky enough not to feel sadness, strife, or loss today, be gentle with those around you who may be fighting an invisible battle. In all cases, allow…
People often ask me, “Michelle, how are you always so happy & positive? I want to be more like that, but ____.” The thing is, I’m not ALWAYS super happy, because, you know, I’m not a robot. I’m not Pollyanna either. But, I have cultivated a practice of looking for the Light, and finding the Positive in all of my situations and circumstances. It began as a survival technique for me and became my modus operandi; it’s not *just* something I was born with. I can teach you how to live with a more positive mindset too. Not with a…
Happy Monday, Loves! I have a lovely mantra for you today that is a wonderful meditation: I Choose Love I Choose Peace I Choose Seeking I Choose Wisdom And again, I Choose Love I invite you to give yourself time today to receive, recite, and repeat this mantra for a mindset reset. You will be blessed! 💖🦋 To receive my messages of hope and healing directly to your inbox, subscribe to my newsletter today. To schedule personal empowerment coaching with me, go ahead and click the button at the top of the screen.
One of the things I enjoy the most about being an entrepreneur is the seemingly magical ability to create a career that I love. After decades of working for others, always learning & growing, testing & changing, and leaping faithfully into new ventures of my own, as a Life Coach I am grateful to be rooted in work that supports me financially & emotionally, beautifully uses all of my gifts, talents, & experiences, and fits perfectly into my schedule. I get to write, create, talk, share, teach, travel, learn, encourage, inspire, and empower. I get to try and fail and…
Like the very best teachers, Life is always offering us valuable lessons, whether or not we are consciously and intentionally asking for them. We simply agree to show up, and there they are: life lessons designed to grow us, mold us, shape us, challenge us, better us, perfect us, and (yes, absolutely!) bless us. Oh, sure- oftentimes these Life Lessons may at first look/feel annoying or uncomfortable or inconvenient or downright unpleasant, but don’t let that stop you from really examining what is being offered to you, what’s on the other side of it. Is it patience? Is it forgiveness?…
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