Stuck, Frustrated, and Pissed Off In my work as a transformational mindset coach, I spend a lot of time helping people to become living embodiments of Real, Radical, Transformational Positivity. It’s BIG work designed to help folx create positive change in their own lives first, so that they can experience the healing for themselves and extend it into their relationships. Think of it as a ripple of positive transformation that flows outward. Whenever I begin work with a new client, they are often in a place where they feel stuck and very, very frustrated. They’ve been trying to move forward…
In my last post, I shared an overview of the 3rd Pillar of Transformational Positivity: Natural Harmony, which is all about our Connection to Nature. Today, I want to share a bit about the ways I am integrating and incorporating natural elements in and around my home to help strengthen and enhance my 3rd Pillar. If you would prefer to watch my videos on this topic, you can check out my new YouTube videos here: The 3rd Pillar: Natural Harmony = Our Connection to Nature; How Can We Create More Natural Harmony? ; Strengthen Your 3rd Pillar: Integrating and Incorporating…
The patterns, variety, and perfect cycles found within the Natural world have been an endless source of awe, inspiration and rejuvenation since the dawn of time.
In the first part of this article series, I wrote about the different types of community and invited you to identify what your current connections might look like. Then, I asked you to think about and make a list of the different communities you currently belong to. In order to begin to bridge the gaps in your community, you have to first look at your answers to the following questions: How do I fit in to each space? What are my roles in each space? What are some of the ways that I contribute and serve in each space? Are…
A 3-Step Energy Releasing Practice for Your Self-Care We all experience ups and downs in our personal energy, and we all have moments when we are feeling anything but “high vibe” and positive. Congratulations on being a human! One of my very favorite things about Transformational Positivity is that you will never be shamed for being a human, having emotions, or expressing difficult feelings. You will never be told by me to just fake-it-til-you-make-it. I don’t do spiritual bypassing around here. I will never teach you to ignore any of the challenging things that you are feeling, carrying, or stuck…
For the month of March, I will be continuing my exploration of Whole-Self Love with a particular focus on the importance of Self Care. I will be sharing some of my own rituals, as well as those from some of my favorite folx around the world. Enjoy! What does ‘Self Care’ mean to you? Does it conjure up images of a spoiled princess or celebrity whose every whim is being attended to by her groveling personal staff? Do you tend to write it off as something decadent, frivolous and/or unrealistic for you? I know that if you’re anything like me,…
What would it look like for you to take your relationship with your body to the next level? What if I told you that you could love the body that you live in, exactly as it is? YES- without losing/gaining weight, changing your hair, or altering your external image in any way. Imagine what it would feel like to stop being angry at it, disappointed in it, embarrassed by it, afraid of it, or ashamed of it. I am not going to pretend that this is an easy, 2-step process or that I have a magic potion that will instantly…
What are some of the first things you do when you come home to rest at the end of a long, stressful day? Do you kick off your shoes, drop off all the things in your hands like your keys, the mail, purse/handbag/briefcase, your phone, an old coffee cup, a bag or two of take-out food and/or groceries and make a beeline to the toilet? (Okay, I admit that I am most definitely taking my phone in with me to watch TikTok or Instagram Stories while I’m *taking a seat* to pee.) Maybe you also hop into the shower or…
The 1st Pillar of Transformational Positivity is Whole-Self Love. It’s the beginning of your personal revolution, a shift in positivity that leads to your most empowered, on-going transformation. Why? • Because it invites us to daily disrupt our old patterns of negative self-talk and allows us to begin seeing who and what we really are in our wholeness. We develop a loving & supportive way of relating to ourselves that is personally healing and breaks the cycles of negativity. • Because it allows us to question and rebel against the negative messages that have been sent to us about our…
TRANSFORMATIONAL POSITIVITY is a set of healing tools and positive practices used to form a framework for manifesting, experiencing, and supporting our Deep, Personal Transformation within these 4 key areas: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit. The 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity represent the most important relationships of our human existence, with each one relating to and supporting one of the 4 key areas. The 4 Pillars Transformational Positivity is upheld by 4 distinct aspects that I like to refer to as pillars. These pillars represent our connections to Self, Community, Nature, and Spirituality. Each one is vital for our personal…
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