• brain training - Coaching - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Miscellaneous - self help - Witchy

    A Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Mindfulness Meditation Practice

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly “I can’t meditate! It’s impossible for me to silence my mind.” Does that sound familiar? Trust me, I hear this frequently when I start working with my clients. In my work as an Energy Witch, I absolutely LOVE showing people some simple ways to introduce the practice of Mindfulness Meditation into their daily routine. It’s a very accessible form of magick that you can use to immediately change the energy in and around you. Mindfulness Meditation Overview Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation practice that involves focusing your attention on the present moment and…

  • brain training - Coaching - healing - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help

    9 Strategies for Embracing Change

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Change is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a career shift, a move to a new city, a relationship evolving, or even the seasons changing, we constantly find ourselves navigating through transitions. While change can be challenging and unsettling, it is also an opportunity for growth, learning, and self-discovery. In this article, we will touch on 9 effective strategies to help you handle changes gracefully and thrive amidst life’s transformations. The initial reaction to change is often resistance. We may feel fear, anxiety, or even sadness when faced with the unknown. However, the…

  • Coaching - healing - inspiration - Miscellaneous - self help - Transformational Positivity - Whole-Self Love - Witchy


    Written by Guest Author Kimberly Watson, aka The Lipstick Witch If you are reading this, you are probably interested in magic & manifestation. Information on these subjects can be found everywhere, books, videos, decks, mantras, music, meditations, you name it, but it seems that no one ever talks about the most important ingredient you need to manifest or make magic without ever cracking a book, watching a video, or repeating a mantra, and that ingredient is you. I have learned this from personal experience, and I am sharing this because I want you to win, I want you to manifest…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous - self help - Tarot - Witchy

    2023: Year of The Chariot

    Written by Kate Sheridan, Guest Author All opinions expressed in this article are the sole perception/experience of the writer, and may not necessarily be shared by Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly. All Rights Reserved. Have you heard that 2023 is a Chariot year, according to the numerological and symbolic language of the tarot? All we have to do is add up the digits in the year — 2+0+2+3 — and we get 7, The Chariot. Last year was a 6 year, The Lovers, and I wrote that this card is not about a particular love interest in your life but…

  • brain training - Coaching - Miscellaneous - self help


    by Guest Author Tina Falk, Professional Feng Shui Educator and Chinese Astrologer “There’s a luggage limit to every passenger on a flight. The same rules apply to your life. You must eliminate some baggage before you can fly.”  ~Rosalind Johnson The thought of going through old baggage is enough to send anyone running for the hills. Does the old musty smell of the unknown take your breath away, set your heart in panic mode forcing you to promise that you’ll get to it another day?  Whether it’s old beliefs, ideals, traditions, values, work ethic, religious or political perspectives, even those things we…

  • brain training - Coaching - Explore Your Divinty - inspiration - Miscellaneous - self help

    You are enough. You are worthy. There is no questioning this.

    By Sarah Marie Liddle, Guest Author Radiance is sparked when we are connected to the divinity within and without. When we meet with this beautiful soul in the home of our body, we encounter the most wondrous mysteries in the natural world around us. There is a deep longing to find this place of oneness. We may seek out goals, visions, and pathways in the world to fulfill this deepest desire, yet it is not in the world that we come to understand deeply this connection with ourselves and the divine.  The ego will try and pry itself into your…

  • Community - Explore Your Divinty - healing - Miscellaneous - self help - Tarot

    Meeting Our Guides & Loved Ones

    By Rose Dougherty, Guest Author Throughout our lives we are visited by spirits around us. Some who want to help while others who do not. We want to focus on connecting with guides that protect us. How can we tell the difference between the two? One of the most important is to protect ourselves and understand discernment. There are trickster spirits who pretend to be things they are not. You must learn to tell the difference. Energetic Cleansing It is good to cleanse yourself and the space before you get started. Some people like to use smoke or liquid sprays…

  • brain training - Coaching - healing - inspiration - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help - Transformational Positivity

    3 Steps for Manifesting Positive Change

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly We’ve reached the midpoint of August, and we are also in the midst of some incredibly transformational energy that you have access to. It’s not a coincidence! Having just moved through the hightened energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal and this last full supermoon, we are beginning to see the end of Summer fast approaching. A new season is just around the corner, and with it, a reminder from Nature that life is a series of cycles. Always another ending, always a new beginning. If you used the Lion’s Gate Portal energy last week…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous - self help - Witchy

    2022 Year of the Deep Water Tiger

    Guest Post by Tina Falk, CFSP, Founder of VIA School of Feng Shui All opinions expressed in this article are the sole perception/experience of the writer, and may not necessarily be shared by Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly. All Rights Reserved. Are you feeling a shift in this new year? Some transitions are subtle while others are a surge of energy. To me, I already feel a powerful surge. My favorite method to interpret energy is through a 4,000-year-old astrology system; the Chinese five elements and zodiac signs. I am a Chinese Astrologer and Metaphysician. I use these insights…

  • Explore Your Divinty - healing - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - self help - Whole-Self Love - Witchy

    Why Are These Crystals So Magickal?

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Think that crystals are *just* pretty rocks? Think again! The love of crystals is not just for witches, yogis, geologists and spiritual gurus. Since the beginning of Time, humans have had an ongoing fascination with shiny & colorful rocks. Yes, they are pretty- but they are so much more than that. Today, I want to share a few of the many wonderful, dare I say magickal, properties associated with 3 of the most popular gemstones: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and Rose Quartz. If you’re just starting out in your energy practice, these 3 crystals make…