• brain training - Coaching - inspiration - self help

    A Look Inside Your Walls

    BUILDING YOUR BEST LIFE: At the beginning of the weekend, my fiancé and I had our “open wall” walkthrough of the new house. This is the home as it looked on Friday morning, just prior to the next round of inspections. We met with our GC/Foreman and did a literal walk-through of the property, while the expert told us everything we could ever want to know about it. We were encouraged to ask questions, and found it fascinating to learn not only about the specific materials used, but why the builder is so particular about what goes into each home.…

  • Coaching - Community - healing - inspiration - Miscellaneous - self help

    Beautiful Weirdo

    Once I realized that I am not just “weird” but that in fact I am a Beautiful Weirdo, well honey everything else just fell into place around me. I stopped trying to be anyone other than my own self, in all of my wonderful weirdness, because THAT is my special sauce. I own my sky-high optimism, and my self-searching shadowy moments of fear & doubt. I shit rainbows and hold space for people in my faerie dust, covered in golden Light and wrapped in unstoppable, unbreakable Love. I believe in believing in you, in me, and in our own immeasurable…

  • Coaching - healing - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    Create Your Best Life- Special Offer!

    I believe that my calling in this life is to help as many people as possible to overcome their shame and heal from their inner pain so that together we can create a more peaceful, loving, just and beautiful world for all beings. A place where we can share our gifts and shine! By healing our own hurts first, we can move forward without passing on our pain to those around us: our partners, our children, our neighbors- those who look like us, and those who don’t. Where could you see yourself shining if you had nothing holding you back?…

  • inspiration

    Treasure Hunt

    I’ve always been fascinated with treasure hunting, how about you? When I was little, I used to paint rocks in glitter and gold, bury them in my front yard, create an elaborate map (complete with burnt edges to make it look cool and really old) and gather a couple of the younger kids on my block to go find the buried treasure. They loved it, and it was such fun for me, too! On my most recent international adventure, I did a grown up version of this by blessing and hiding these tokens on a tiny island in the middle…

  • blessings - brain training - Coaching - healing - inspiration - life challenge - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - self help

    Choose to See the Beauty

    My simple prayer for us all today: “May you see all the Beauty today.” 💖🦋 Do you make it a point to regularly observe Beauty? Not to objectify it, but to actually see the Beauty that is in and around you, and in everyone? It’s a powerful practice of positivity that has helped me to heal some pretty deep wounds over my *many* years on the planet. Even if you have your shit together, I invite you to take time today to look and see Beauty. Celebrate it! Share it! Ugly Truth: It’s not at all hard to see the…

  • Coaching - inspiration - Miscellaneous

    What’s the Job for Today?

    A week ago, this is what our house looked like. The week before that, a concrete slab. This week more and more is being done, and we’re planning to stop by the building site over the weekend to see what is new. So exciting! It’s not so different from building a new life for yourself. You create a plan, set it in motion, and get to work. Some of the phases move quickly and you see lots of progress! Bustling with energy! Super exciting! Other phases are less active, less glamorous, less visible- but you’d best believe they are just…

  • Coaching - inspiration - self help

    The Best Idea is to Let You Shine All the Way Through

    Hey Loves! Happy August. 🌞 If you’re anything like me, you might be someone who gets turned on by allllllll of the fun ideas that come to you on any given day. You might even decide to frantically follow a couple of them, like a cat follows a laser dot. You might chase after one of those ideas until you collapse in a heap, tail twitching, unable to quite catch the dang dot. You might gather 2 or 3 of the biggest, shiniest, brightest ideas and set them up on a shelf or wall in front of you, always within…

  • healing - inspiration - Miscellaneous

    I’ve Been Thinking

    Dear Universe: I’ve been #Thinking about more ways to share my Love with you. With your people. With your creatures. Through individual efforts and as part of the collective, sharing from my creative gifts that you’ve blessed me with and amplifying the good work of others who are moving in the same direction, with good intention, to foster healing for myself and for us all. 💖 I am not entirely sure what it will look like, but I know it is something powerful and needed. A community of healers, healing their own pain and sharing their gifts with a waiting…