Written by Guest Contributor, Kate Sheridan “Archetypal energy carries a much higher charge than personal energy — the difference between a thunderbolt and a duckling’s quack.” – Marion Woodman The first time I felt the presence of The High Priestess, I was at a music festival with a group of friends. As we set up our tents and settled in, we showed off our costumes and festival gear. A friend pulled out a long robe, blue and black and white. The moment felt like a thunderbolt. “The High Priestess!” I said aloud, and just a few minutes later, a friend…
By Sarah Marie Liddle, Guest Contributor Your power is not something you force externally, or obtain, it is not reliant on anything or anyone. While you can still surround yourself with things you derive happiness from, it is important to draw yourself home to your intangible inner world. Your worth and power should not be found in things, people or experiences. Do not sacrifice your real power in search of the powerless illusions of the ego. Where have you given your power over to someone or something outside of yourself? The universe gives you specific circumstances and people to learn…
By Kristin Nelson, Guest Contributor Hi there, loves! I’m Kristin and in 2020 I created a business in Kansas City, Missouri called Unravel Your Life. I create & take opportunities that allow me to help people de-clutter their homes & minds, making more space for them to stretch out their arms & be themselves. I do Akashic Record & Tarot readings, and I’m learning Reiki & energy healing. It’s glorious & I’m grateful because my life is rad. I let the Universe guide me on what to do next. I listen, I move forward, one step at a time, with…
Written by Tina Falk, Guest Contributor There’s a remarkable woman I know. A little bit on a personal level, but on a heart and soul level—I see her and she is pretty fxcking cool. I’ve witnessed her strength, and grace, and ability to consider others even during challenging personal moments. She’s someone I look to to remind me that we are far deeper and greater than our circumstances and that we can embody so much at one time. We can be fearful and hopeful, we can be grieving while dreaming, or even centered on self while being of service to…
BIG JUNE INTENTIONS: I am planning to be away from the digital life for most of this month so I can be totally present while away on my Honeymoon. I am Choosing Presence. For the month of June, it is my intention to stay in-the-moment and also to dramatically reduce the amount of time I spend on social media… quite the challenge for someone whose business is almost exclusively online! I am not abandoning my work, instead what I am doing is putting it back in it’s proper place. I’ve noticed that my screen time has become quite lopsided and…
By Michelle Currie, Guest Contributor As certain systems and beliefs continue to crumble in the world, you may be getting the nudge to be a part of the change. More specifically, you may be inspired to disrupt and change how things have always been by sharing ‘your thing’: your vision, sacred gifts, and voice. Because, if you’re honest, you’ve always felt like the world was a bit topsy-turvy and know you’re here to change that by sharing ‘your thing’ with the world. But, deep down, you believe you have to be someone you’re not to make any kind of difference.…
By Jennalea Brave, Guest Contributor In the midst of the chaos of today’s global health crisis, it isn’t surprising that a lot of people find it extra hard to stay positive and happy. A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorder highlights how psychological distress associated with the pandemic can potentially lead to higher levels of adverse psychiatric symptoms, such as major depressive disorder and PTSD. In the face of this reality, it becomes even more important for all of us to look into the ways we can encourage positivity — and what better place to start than home?…
Stuck, Frustrated, and Pissed Off In my work as a transformational mindset coach, I spend a lot of time helping people to become living embodiments of Real, Radical, Transformational Positivity. It’s BIG work designed to help folx create positive change in their own lives first, so that they can experience the healing for themselves and extend it into their relationships. Think of it as a ripple of positive transformation that flows outward. Whenever I begin work with a new client, they are often in a place where they feel stuck and very, very frustrated. They’ve been trying to move forward…
What’s one of the weirdest things about you? What makes you unique, special, gifted? Since I started to embrace and lean into my weird and share about what makes me different, I have been able to use my gifts to help others and do work that I love, whether it’s intuitive readings or animal energy work or transformational coaching. My Weird Ability With Animals I am very fortunate to have been gifted with the supremely weird and highly magickal ability to communicate energetically with most animals. To do this, I first survey their body language if available, then connect with…
Connecting with Spirit doesn’t have to be complicated or convoluted. It can absolutely be as simple and pleasant as having a conversation with someone you are fond of. Prayer becomes talking to your wisest, most caring friend. Meditation becomes listening to the songs of the trees and the stars. Worship becomes honoring the earth and the water and the sky. Enlightenment becomes falling in Love with the Truth of your own Highest Self, and recognizing the Highest Self within those around you. Remember Love, though you may be talking with a Divine Being, you are also a Divine Being. The…
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