Dig deep and honor the amazing strength within you! Photo credit: Michael Powell Photography
It’s been a tough week. Go gently with yourself. Know that every person you meet is dealing with something difficult, too.
I Am Grateful 😌
This year is the year I’m focusing on transformation in my life. I’m looking to create something BIG though. Something deep. I want to go wayyyyyy beyond “lose ___ pounds blah blah blah” and instead pave a way for people of all body types -including my own- to be empowered, to feel loved, to discover their strength & true beauty. I’m not trying to be skinny again. I’m not trying to look like a supermodel or a Victoria’s Secret ad. I actually love my body as it is, but I really want to FEEL better in it. Have more flexibility,…
What if today, we each made a conscious decision to shut off the negative self-talk and transformed our thoughts into powerful actions of Love and Kindness? Try it. See what good things happen! ❤️
Wherever you find yourself on this first Monday of the new year, make a commitment to yourself to be the best YOU. Challenge yourself to do the right thing, to take the high road, to bring goodness back. Remind yourself: I Am a Good Person
Mantra: My intention is set, and for this year I am seeking out Transformation in and through my life. I am open and welcome opportunities to take my life to the next level!
For the past couple of years, I’ve given up traditional New Year’s Resolutions in favor of focusing instead on just one word, and making that my theme, my touchstone for the year ahead. This year’s word has been Love. And man, did I need it. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it…
Monday Mantra: I am Worthy and Deserving of Good Things If you have ever struggled with feeling unworthy of having good things happen to you, or if you feel uneasy enjoying good things in your life, let today be the day that you begin to change your story. It does not make you selfish. It does not mean you are greedy. It simply means that as a human being, you are a magnificent miracle. You are alive. And no matter who may have made you feel “less than” in your past, YOU ARE AMAZING. You DO matter. And above all…
If you’re anything like me, the day before a big trip feels almost overwhelming with energy… Last minute checklists, frantic shopping for that one thing (what am I missing? Where’s my list?)… Prepping your home/pets/office for your time away… It can be a little nutso, and instead of being in-the-moment you might become frazzled. Total buzz-kill! I’m intentionally carving out these next few hours to daydream about the awesome adventures awaiting me. I’m purposefully realigning the energy in me and around me to feel more blissful, less chaotic. Whatever doesn’t get done can wait until I get back, because baby,…
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