The real superheroes are the people who continue to create beauty, build bridges of tolerance & acceptance, and express love in spite of the negativity in the world around them. Don’t worry about the haters. Continue to pour love into your world today, tomorrow, and every day. ❤️💜💙💚💛
All over this beautiful world, there are dark waves of sadness, tragedy, pain and suffering. I believe that at the roots of these is a bitter and stagnant pool of hatred, ignorance and apathy. It would be easy to give up, to stop caring, to give in. But there is another way. A more challenging & rewarding way. A more excellent way. A more powerful & beautiful way. I choose to stand on the side of Love, and I invite you to stand with me. Today and everyday, I Choose Love.
If you ever forget your WHY, look around yourself carefully. Stay motivated. Stay focused. Hang on to the vision and see it through! You’ve got this.
Here’s a great mantra to start off your week: “I embrace my vision of a bright future, and it is so!” Photo courtesy of Michael Powell Photography
What’s it like in The Cocoon – Empowered Transformation? 1 Full Session = 4 Weeks 12 Fun & Easy Workout VIdeos 4 special Transformation Tips 17 Rad Recipes (and counting!) 1 Private Facebook Group 24/7 access to The Cocoon Annual Membership includes up to 4 Full Sessions + up to 2 Mini Sessions^ for only $120. Get a taste of the fun we are having- get one of my fun little workout videos for FREE! Click here for details and to get your FREE workout video. *Mini Session = 1 Week Intensive
We all have things that freak us out, and things that scare the sh*t out of us…especially when we are following our dreams. So many “what if’s” that can paralyze us from pursuing the life that we want. Today’s mantra is a powerful reminder that we can move forward even in the face of fear! Your dreams are worth chasing. ❤️
Just in case you might have forgotten, I want to remind you that you are freaking awesome.
Far too many people get upset and lose faith in themselves every time they look in the mirror. They pick themselves apart, attacking “flaws” and verbally beating themselves up for not being “perfect” rather than looking beyond their own skin. Hear Me: You are SO much more than just a body. You are SO MUCH more beautiful and valuable than any momentary image. You are so much MORE than society would have you believe! Start today to change the dialogue with your mirror, and begin to believe in YOU.
In order to stop being stuck, you must be willing to welcome change into your life. Take the first step of breaking through your own walls today! ❤️
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