Lately I’ve been thinking about how often we tend to make a task or project or process far more difficult than it needs to be. Do you ever get frustrated when: You find yourself waiting in a long line and the person at the front is placing an unnecessarily complex order? Or… The person carrying out your service request is reciting back a time consuming list of company policies? Or… You are trying to find basic information on a website and it is nowhere obvious? Or… The assembly or installation instructions for a new product make NO sense to you…
HAPPY SEPTEMBER! Lazy days of summer are coming to an end (okay I am honestly NOT great at being lazy) and you feel the energy around you shifting. What is one positive, healthy thing you can challenge yourself with over the next 30 days? If you need a teensy bit of inspiration & encouragement, you can join me on my September 30 Day Challenge! Here’s what I’m challenging myself to do for my health & well-being: 10 minute walk Adjusting my diet Daily gratitude journal Here’s the details: A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single…
Did you know that you have tremendous power to make choices and changes in your own life? It’s true! Our minds are incredibly powerful and give us the ability to shape how we perceive and respond to our daily circumstances. Regardless of what type of person you consider yourself to be, we all get to choose our attitude. Even in challenging and difficult circumstances or seasons of life, we can choose to be joyful. This is not to say that we will never experience bad things, or feel sad sometimes, or need to take a time-out to recharge our emotional…
For the past couple of years, I have been wanting- no, longing to- create a series of fitness videos for people living in bigger bodies, with a crazy twist: I don’t want you to lose a bunch of weight (unless that is something YOU want for yourself). Instead, I wanted to simply love, support, and encourage people just like me to love the body that they are already living in, and provide them with some easy action-steps to help guide them to a healthier lifestyle. I had this radical notion that I could begin to deeply, truly LOVE…
No life is immune to facing tough experiences and hard days. It’s the stuff that strips away our bullshit and allows us to refocus on what truly matters: Love. Kindness. Caring. Strength of Character. Honesty. Compassion. Trust. It’s okay to acknowledge that some days are harder than others, and if you are having a particularly hard day it’s okay to be gentle with yourself. Whatever hard things you are facing today, my friend, please don’t give up. Reassess, yes. Regroup, yes. Relax & Recharge, yes! But never, ever give up on yourself. Reach out and know that your tribe is…
What kind of miracle are you? Too often we believe that miracles can only be some unexplainable thing, or that they are only reserved for the experiences of canonized saints and characters in sacred texts. I want to be crystal clear when I tell you that you ARE a living, breathing miracle. Every day, you are a tangible example of the Divine, and your essence is Perfection. You. Are. A Miracle! And I believe in you. ❤️
I was able to sneak away this past weekend for a sweet rendezvous with my beloved. Every moment together, wherever we are and whatever we may be doing, there is just so much love and so much joy between us. It’s the kind of special that I’ve wanted to experience for my whole life, and I’m forever grateful that I get to feel it now. I recognize the privilege I’ve had for the past 3+ years, and now that I’m in it, I honestly never want it to end. It’s just so sweet! Love & Joy are not exclusive to…
Hey there, Badass- You pushed yourself harder and farther this week. You stepped out and you stepped UP. You showed up for yourself and did the work, went all in, and freed yourself to become visible in all of your magically glorious & sparkly self. You know what? The world needs you to keep doing that. To keep shining. To keep sharing your beautiful light, loving yourself and others well, and being your own uniquely empowered, liberated, adorable badass self. Because darling, YOU are a Badass in the best possible way. ❤️
How My Most Desperate Prayer Was Answered When I had finally reached my true rock bottom, I had reached a place of complete and total surrender. At the young age of 29, I just wanted everything to end. I was done with life and the mess I had made of it seemed impossible to redeem. There, in my most broken moment, God/Spirit/My Higher Power answered my most desperate prayer to “take my life and recycle my soul.” When my childhood friend Robert called my parents’ house late that night, he had no idea what I was about to do. He…
Whatever circumstances you may have to face today, today is an awesome day to be alive. Shift your perspective and look for the gifts in every situation (Hint: some are hidden, others more obvious) and celebrate this Awesome Day! Mantra: Today is going to be an Awesome Day
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