• blessings - brain training - healing - healthy - inspiration - self help

    When Anger Is Killing You & How I Am Learning to Manage My Anger

    Anger- there is no shortage of it. Even though for my own health and sanity I take care to spend the bulk of my time around people who are positive, mellow, and well-suited to handling stress, this powerful emotion is one that never seems far enough away.  All I have to do is take a quick scroll through Facebook or Twitter to see and feel the anger, wrath, or full-blown rage seeping through post after post after post, from the POTUS to the online trolls and everywhere in between. It’s exhausting, and I believe it is killing us. Now wait…

  • Friday Faves - inspiration

    #FridayFaves: Loralie Young, A Letter To My Skin

    IT’S FRIDAY! YAY! FRI-YAY!  It’s Friday and I’m excited to bring back my Friday Faves, a spot where I get to feature some of my favorite people and share what they are doing. Today I get to share an incredible article from Loralie Young, a talented artist and beautiful soul living in Cambodia.   I met Loralie online through the magic of the Facebook. I had seen her casually online in a group hosted by Kathleen Shannon and Emily Thompson called Being Boss (OMG I LOVE THOSE LADIES! ::Fangirl Moment::) but we only really connected when she commented on a…

  • blessings - brain training - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    Staying Positive While Feeling All the Feelings

    Do you ever sometimes think that if you aren’t laughing through difficult circumstances and challenging moments that you are somehow doing it wrong?  I mean, you are pretty much a superwoman as it is, so shouldn’t you be able to handle every single setback with perfect grace and a smile on your face? Um, hell no. Let’s talk about being authentic. Hear me, you badass warrior princess, you are 100% allowed to feel ALL of your feelings. Including Frustration. Anger. Disappointment. Sadness. And yes, even Fear. You get to feel these without apology and you don’t have to pretend that…

  • blessings - brain training - Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra It is Safe for Me to Go Deep

    Today I had the honor and pleasure of interviewing my cousin, Nicole Lewis-Keeber, for a new podcast that we are co-hosting (more on that later). One of my very favorite things about her is her willingness to go deep and be transparent on any topic, even ones that are messy or difficult to talk about.  It takes incredible courage to show up and be honest with yourself in the difficult conversations.  Self-awareness can be messy, but I’m learning that it’s in our willingness to go there that we can truly heal ourselves and create powerful new possibilities for our lives. …

  • Friday Feels - inspiration

    #FridayFeels My Pledge 

    I am a peaceful warrior, and This is my Pledge: I will Resist the Hate. I will spread Love. I will live to Encourage, Empower, and Inspire. ❤ I believe that we are all created to live in peace, safety, and freedom- beginning with love for self and extending that to each other.  I don’t want to live in a world that turns its back on suffering, that shuts its gates based on religion or ethnicity, that discriminates against women and people of color and people with disabilities and people who are poor and people who are not heterosexual.  …

  • blessings - inspiration

    Tears in the Texaco

    This morning, a complete stranger made me cry in the Texaco parking lot. I had just finished getting my car quick-washed and was getting ready to merge into the exit lane, just waiting for a little more space to open up.  My latte was just the right temperature.  I had just cleared some space in the cup holder after giving $1.50 in quarters to a homeless man named Alfred.  I was feeling pretty excited, as I was on my way to celebrate birthday lunch with my bestie. Just started to roll into the open space in front of me when…

  • inspiration - life challenge - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Monday Mantra - self help

    #MondayMantra Live a Life Worth Loving

    Do you love your life? I do!  If you aren’t totally in love with the life you’ve created for yourself, today is the day to begin resetting your intentions.   It’s likely that you already have many things in your life to be grateful for and that you can build on; you probably don’t need a complete life renovation, just some tweaks and shifts to increase your happiness. Begin with this positive mantra, and allow yourself to be open to any specific changes that you need to make moving forward.  “I Live a Life Worth Loving.”

  • blessings - brain training - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    How to Live a More Joyful Life

    Yesterday I had the pleasure and privilege of being interviewed on a new podcast (more on this coming up) and one of the questions, and my answer, keeps coming back to me.  I was asked in effect about how I manage to be such a joyful person, to which I replied: “Part of it is probably in my DNA, but mostly it is my choice. I choose to seek and find joy in all situations and limit my time around negative people.”  I will be first to admit that this is not always easy to practice, and I don’t always…

  • blessings - brain training - Friday Feels - inspiration - life challenge - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness

    Sending Love is Always Worthwhile. ❤🦋

    You might not have all of the answers when facing life’s hard questions. You will not always know the perfect thing to say when someone you care about is grieving. You are going to find yourself in situations sometimes when you feel utterly powerless to make a difference, but trust me, dear one, there is always Love and it is always needed. You have the power in the depths of your heart to send Love… so don’t hold back!  I invite you to take a meditative moment now to imagine yourself sending waves and waves of Love to the people…