TRANSFORMATIONAL POSITIVITY is a set of healing tools and positive practices used to form a framework for manifesting, experiencing, and supporting our Deep, Personal Transformation within these 4 key areas: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit. The 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity represent the most important relationships of our human existence, with each one relating to and supporting one of the 4 key areas. The 4 Pillars Transformational Positivity is upheld by 4 distinct aspects that I like to refer to as pillars. These pillars represent our connections to Self, Community, Nature, and Spirituality. Each one is vital for our personal…
Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Energy Clearing isn’t always some secretive and mystical practice. More often than not, it’s quite mundane in it’s magick. As I cracked open one of my journals today to begin writing out some thoughts and developing ideas about what I want to share more of this year, I was struck by the two pages at the very beginning. The pages after them were filled with fits and starts, halfway points, sparks of brilliance and a whole lot of blankness. Not unusual with my journals, but today I was interested in looking a little DEEPER…
WHOLE SELF LOVE: a new series Oh, Honey- I have some things to say about this little #frenemy right here. It’s been a hot minute since I have shared much publicly about my physical body, and here’s why: Dieting Sucks Talking about dieting is capital B BORING Diet Culture is toxicAF The number on the scale does not determine (nor can it ever measure) my worth I know this to be True. You probably do as well! (And yet…) It’s why, for the past 4-5 years, I have made it my personal mission to learn how to Love the body…
I have this gorgeous little tea set that my son gifted me with years ago. One of the sweet little cups suffered a catastrophic break, and I couldn’t part with it. I glued the pieces back in place, and held onto it for years. It traveled with me through 3 moves, and when I settled in here I knew I wanted to do something special with it. Adopting (and adapting) the tradition of Kintsugi, I wanted to elevate its cracks and imperfections, so that my once broken little cup could live on as a whole vessel, a visual reminder that…
How many times have you been going through a difficult or stressful time in your life, and some (hopefully well-meaning) person comes along with advice like this: “Fake it ’til you make it!” “Just be more positive!” “No bad vibes!” “Smile, things could be worse!” UGH. That’s just really NOT helpful! I have been so frustrated with the fake positivity like this that permeates social media and the damage it creates in it’s wake. Humans, even the most enlightened, awakened, spiritual among us all still experience the very real, very human emotions that constantly get labeled as “negative” [read: BAD].…
It is thought that each person we encounter is in some way a mirror of ourselves (and vice versa). This is comforting whenever we see aspects that are considered positive or admirable, but when we see the worst in someone? Oof. Well, that’s not exactly fun. Especially when you consider that we are equally capable of unleashing some nasty, unpleasant, and downright awful behavior of our own. Sorry to tell ya, but “Love and Light” isn’t all that we are made of. We also carry hurt, anger, hatred, unhealed trauma, sadness, and a whole lot of darkness throughout our time…
Once I realized that I am not just “weird” but that in fact I am a Beautiful Weirdo, well honey everything else just fell into place around me. I stopped trying to be anyone other than my own self, in all of my wonderful weirdness, because THAT is my special sauce. I own my sky-high optimism, and my self-searching shadowy moments of fear & doubt. I shit rainbows and hold space for people in my faerie dust, covered in golden Light and wrapped in unstoppable, unbreakable Love. I believe in believing in you, in me, and in our own immeasurable…
I believe that my calling in this life is to help as many people as possible to overcome their shame and heal from their inner pain so that together we can create a more peaceful, loving, just and beautiful world for all beings. A place where we can share our gifts and shine! By healing our own hurts first, we can move forward without passing on our pain to those around us: our partners, our children, our neighbors- those who look like us, and those who don’t. Where could you see yourself shining if you had nothing holding you back?…
My simple prayer for us all today: “May you see all the Beauty today.” 💖🦋 Do you make it a point to regularly observe Beauty? Not to objectify it, but to actually see the Beauty that is in and around you, and in everyone? It’s a powerful practice of positivity that has helped me to heal some pretty deep wounds over my *many* years on the planet. Even if you have your shit together, I invite you to take time today to look and see Beauty. Celebrate it! Share it! Ugly Truth: It’s not at all hard to see the…
Dear Universe: I’ve been #Thinking about more ways to share my Love with you. With your people. With your creatures. Through individual efforts and as part of the collective, sharing from my creative gifts that you’ve blessed me with and amplifying the good work of others who are moving in the same direction, with good intention, to foster healing for myself and for us all. 💖 I am not entirely sure what it will look like, but I know it is something powerful and needed. A community of healers, healing their own pain and sharing their gifts with a waiting…
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