Once I realized that I am not just “weird” but that in fact I am a Beautiful Weirdo, well honey everything else just fell into place around me.
I stopped trying to be anyone other than my own self, in all of my wonderful weirdness, because THAT is my special sauce.
I own my sky-high optimism, and my self-searching shadowy moments of fear & doubt. I shit rainbows and hold space for people in my faerie dust, covered in golden Light and wrapped in unstoppable, unbreakable Love. I believe in believing in you, in me, and in our own immeasurable power to create positive change within and all around us, no matter how hard or challenging the path forward may be.
So cheers to you, my Friend, if in reading this you might see a glimpse of yourself, too. You can totally sit at my table. Know that you are not alone. Know that you are allowed to shine your bright, beautiful, Weirdo light.
Here are 3 Ways that we can continue the conversation:
If you are discovering or awakening to your own “beautiful weirdness” I would LOVE to be part of your support team. My brand of Personal Empowerment Coaching may be a perfect fit for you! Schedule a free consultation call with me and let’s find out!
To book me for your next speaking opportunity, please click here. 💖🦋
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