• healthy - recipes - The Cocoon

    Rad Recipes: Creamy Dreamy Carrot Dip (DF, GF, P, V, VG)

    I do love to eat a tasty dip! Even better when it’s healthy AND tastes great, just like my favorite Creamy Dreamy Carrot Dip. This one is Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Paleo-Friendly, Vegetarian and Vegan.   And it still tastes great!  It’s a little sweet, a little spicy, and a whole lotta awesome. Here’s the super simple recipe. Enjoy! Ingredients One package organic baby carrots 1 clove garlic, peeled & minced Juice of ½ a lemon 1½- 2  tbsp olive oil ¼ tsp cumin ⅛ tsp ground coriander ⅛ tsp smoked paprika Salt & pepper to taste Directions Using either a…

  • life challenge - Miscellaneous

    My Plea on International Women’s Day

    Today, March 8, is a day celebrated for more than a century now as International Women’s Day. In it’s earliest iteration, it was founded as “International Working Women’s Day” and was actually linked back to the American Socialist Party.  To be crystal clear, I am NOT a Socialist.  But I most definitely am a Woman, and I choose to support, elevate, empower and celebrate women around the world today and every day. In 2017, I’m astonished that so many women in my own country and around the globe still lack equality and in so many parts of the world, basic…

  • blessings - Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra – Happy

    Even on your most challenging days, you deserve to feel happy, even if only for a moment. Cultivate happiness in your life by doing something each day that makes you smile, so that on the hard days you have plenty to pull from. Recall a fond memory. Engage your senses. Dance like a total weirdo. Laugh at a terrible joke. Play with your pets/kids/best friends. Whatever makes you feel really happy, allow yourself to experience that feeling every single day. Mantra: Every day, I do at least one thing that makes me feel happy.

  • blessings - healing - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    Giving Up To Gain

    For the past several years, I stopped attending church services altogether in favor of ditching religion and religiosity for a deeper, more authentic, hands-on, dirt-under-my-nails, faith-without-borders spiritual quest of healing and enlightenment. I chose to shrug off what had come to feel like confinement and faking it, and just figure out how to connect with and love people in a way that felt a lot more natural and right for me. It has been the best decision I have ever made, and it has allowed me to take all of the good lessons that I learned and apply them (love,…

  • blessings - inspiration - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Monday Mantra - self help

    #MondayMantra I Welcome a Life of Abundance

    Today, I invite you to shift your mindset to one that more readily welcomes abundance. This powerful mantra starts with a fun visualization practice: Begin to picture yourself on a golden path laid out before you. Surround your path with rich, vivid colors: flowers and trees, a lovely stream, beautiful birds singing, gorgeous rainbows in the sky. Engage all of your senses. Notice, there are no blocks or barriers along this path, it is simply open before you. Now feel a sense of peace & ease as you move along your path.   Mantra: I welcome a life of abundance!

  • Friday Feels - inspiration

    #FridayFeels- Honor the Struggles 

    Gentle Reminder: Please do not minimize or dismiss the struggles or pain that another person has faced. 💜 You and I may never share the same scars or past hurts, we may never fully understand what the other has felt, but it doesn’t make it any less real.  Be generous as you extend grace and compassion to yourself, your family and friends, acquaintances and colleagues and coworkers, and yes even to the stranger whose struggles you may never personally know- as though we are all One.

  • brain training - inspiration - Podcast - self help

    New Podcast Coming! Stay Tuned for The Sparkle Hour

    I’m SO excited to announce that The Blessings Butterfly and Nicole Lewis-Keeber Coaching have teamed up to create something extra special for our fans: a new podcast!  We are currently recording our first season and we would LOVE to hear from you about what topics, tools, tips and tricks you want to hear about the most. The Sparkle Hour is a fun and powerful podcast designed to engage, inform, and empower smart women. We speak primarily to women who want to have a stronger mindset around themselves and their money, learn how to navigate the rough times, and set themselves…

  • Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra – I Set Healthy Boundaries For Myself 

    “I set healthy boundaries for myself.” You get to decide what is acceptable behavior and what is not. You choose what supports your best health and what doesn’t. You define and create the rules for living a life that you love, and that framework is what builds the healthy boundaries that suit you best. Honor them in yourself to live a more peaceful life. 

  • blessings - brain training - healing - healthy - inspiration - self help

    When Anger Is Killing You & How I Am Learning to Manage My Anger

    Anger- there is no shortage of it. Even though for my own health and sanity I take care to spend the bulk of my time around people who are positive, mellow, and well-suited to handling stress, this powerful emotion is one that never seems far enough away.  All I have to do is take a quick scroll through Facebook or Twitter to see and feel the anger, wrath, or full-blown rage seeping through post after post after post, from the POTUS to the online trolls and everywhere in between. It’s exhausting, and I believe it is killing us. Now wait…