If I want to be a Butterfly, I have to leave behind my caterpillar ways.
Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly
Hello, Loves! My name is Michelle Lewis (she/her/they) and I am the creator & founder of The Blessings Butterfly. I am a Witch, a Psychic Reader, and an Author.
Transformational Positivity is my Magick & my Medicine.
Click here to read some testimonials

3 Ways I Help:
I am gifted with the ability to read energy and connect energetically with people, animals, and the spirits in deep & meaningful ways. For those seeking more CLARITY around a situation or guidance from their Spirit Council, I offer my Spiritual Clarity Readings and Full Moon/New Moon Mini-Readings.
These energy sessions include crystal energy, guided meditation, gentle breathwork and divination using tarot, oracle cards orrrrrrr a combination.
I offer spellwork consultations and ritual services at my discretion. Ask Me!
For folx who are looking for spiritual support for their DEEPER work, I offer my Soul-Mirroring Sessions and personal guidance in the 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity.
For folx who want easy & simple DIY tools to develop a more Positive Mindset, I offer my low-cost books and eCourses:
- The Blessings Butterfly: 31 Daily Affirmations & Blessings to Feed Your Soul
- The Blessings Butterfly Companion Guide (Affirmations & Blessings with Journal Prompts)
- NEW! The Blessings Butterfly Mandala Coloring Book
- Take the Course: How to Cultivate Positivity with 4 Simple Tools
Michelle’s work has also been featured on numerous podcasts, summits, and digital media including TED Ed, Medium, Bustle, VoyageLA, Miami Shoutout, and GirlInspo. She was named by Disruptors Magazine as one of the Top 30 Life Coaches to Look Out For in 2021.
Learn More:

Get to Know Me:
- I’ve always been a writer, artist, creative, enthusiastic, wonderfully weird kid. Not much of that has changed except that now I am a wonderfully weird grown up so I get to legitimately do it ALL THE TIME and be my whole self!
- I hate it, but also kind of love being on social media. You can find & follow me on TikTok & Instagram, sometimes on Pinterest, less and less on Facebook, a little bit on YouTube, and once in a while on Twitter.
- I’m a former adult entertainer turned missionary turned Transformational Empowerment Coach. This witch has seen some shittttttttt
- I’ve authored 3 books, The Blessings Butterfly, The Blessings Butterfly Companion Guide, and The Blessings Butterfly Mandala Coloring Book. I created them as part of my own personal journey of emotional healing, and the affirmations written in them are the exact ones I spoke to myself as a key part of my transformation from shamed to Shero. I donate a portion of my proceeds from those books to help support widows and single moms around the globe. I’m currently working on additional books in The Blessings Butterfly series as well as the manuscript for The 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity.
- I am the co-creator of the Cosmic Transformation Oracle Deck & Guidebook, featuring the images of my friend, celebrate digital surreal artist Lindsay Kokoska.
- I created The Cocoon – Empowered Transformation as a health & wellness program for people living in bigger bodies out of sheer frustration for the lack of body diversity in the health & wellness industry in general. Having lived in many different sizes and experiencing several different shapes in my own body throughout my life, I wanted to enjoy an exercise program that is fun, non-competitive, encouraging, holistic, challenging but doable, and celebrates all different kinds of bodies. I couldn’t find one, so I freaking made one. I love it. I’m super proud of it. Creating this program led me into a much deeper exploration on Whole-Self Love, one of the 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity.
- I have the honor of being Mom to an amazing human for the past 30+ years (and counting).
- Women’s Empowerment and gender equality is a life-long passion, and I am continually looking for ways to help other women* find their groove, their strength, their voice. This is the heart of my reclaiming the term WITCH. I welcome and work with people of all genders, including those who are transgendered, non-binary, fluid, or do not connect to any gender. Come on in Boo, you are welcome here! *All people who identify as female, regardless of gender assigned at birth.
- Though I no longer choose to serve in or find comfort in worship within the four walls of any traditional Western church setting, my connection to Spirit has expanded exponentially. In the truest expression of Awakening, I can now see Divinity everywhere. I am also an Ordained Minister who can perform legal marriages. (Marriage is a construct that some people find comforting)
- I love exotic adventures through travel and learning about and experiencing different cultures first-hand. I have totally kissed a giraffe on the lips, been ceremonially blessed by having little old ladies spit on me, and pounded shots of some just god-awful alcoholic beverages. Just please don’t ask me to eat a bug.
- In my almost 60 years on the planet I have had a ridiculous amount of jobs and work experience in a variety of industries. Everything from fast food and retail, all things office, church and nonprofit, education and administration, restaurants, nightclubs and adult entertainment, travel, shipping, logistics, acting and modeling, writing and freelancing, massage therapy and alternative healthcare, and starting small businesses. All of that randomness and I’m probably still forgetting something.
- My favorite sport is ice hockey. I l-o-v-e watching the big boys play and maybe someday I’ll lace up my skates and join a beer league team! My favorite NHL team is the Anaheim Ducks (and whatever beer league team my husband happens to be playing on)
- I love animals! I’ve loved and cared for cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, a raccoon, chickens, koi, tortoises, and various reptiles (lots of fun lizards, no snakes) along the way. I’d love to someday have a bunch of farm animals and an exotic wildlife sanctuary that serves as a conservation center and rehab for animals in need. As an Animal Communicator, I frequently use my gifts to connect energetically with wild, captive, and domesticated animals in order to share their messages. (It’s weird. I know. But, also very cool!) I have also been able to use my gifts to provide life-saving healing for some animals, and gentle transitions to those who are ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge.
- I’m happily married to my best friend, the absolute LOVE of my life. So, if you’re a random creepy dude thinking about sliding into my DM’s… just DON’T.

Interesting Experience & Random Credentials:
- 50+ years energy reading & divination experience (because I’m a witch!)
- Named as one the “Top 30 Life Coaches to Look Out For in 2021” by Disruptors Magazine
- Co-Host & Producer, The Sparkle Hour podcast
- Host & Producer, The Transformational Positivity Summit
- Amazon Best-selling (inspirational, spiritual, self-help) Author of The Blessings Butterfly, The Blessings Butterfly Companion Guide, and The Blessings Butterfly Mandala Coloring Book.
- Studied Sound Healing with Life Changing Energy
- Certified Breathwork Coach, Yoga Teachers College
- Studied Crystal Healing with Evolve Healing Institute
- Studied Mindfulness Teacher Training with Sean Fargo
- Ordained Minister, American Marriage Ministries
- Get Gutsy CTS Coaching Graduate
- Certified Yoga For All instructor
- Certified Massage Therapist- South Bay Massage College
- Studied Ministry at Hope International University Fullerton, CA
- Studied English Literature & Creative Writing at CSULB Long Beach, CA
- Studied Art & Graphic Design at Cerritos College in Southern California

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